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Shark Tank Entrepreneur Speaks at College of Business

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Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2012 Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year and “Shark Tank” success, Jason Lucash, provided business tips, shared his experiences and answered questions during his presentation of “The Unconventional American Dream” to University of Louisiana at Lafayette students and faculty members Friday, September 11, 2015.

In the presentation, Lucash discussed how he left the American “dream job” of traveling the world with JanSport to try his hand at entrepreneurship. Inspired by a Chinese take-out box during his travels, Lucash created the first set of collapsible, paper, eco-friendly audio speakers where the company name OrigAudio, the “Origami of Audio,” was born.

Several years and successful products later, Lucash said that he has still never spent money on marketing, and instead relies on the press and free media outlets for publicizing his company and helping him sell his products with numerous mentions in news columns, magazines and television segments.

Lucash emphasized the importance of listening to your customers and always creating a product with the customers in mind. He said that one way    to ensure customers will buy your product over others is to allow customization.

Lucash also encouraged students to never let a good idea go to waste. “The best inventions weren’t created by people who laid down at night, thought about a great invention, and worked on it the next day,” he said, “The best inventions are created by those who thought about a great invention and stay up all night creating it.”