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Graduate Assistant Spotlight: Ada Marion

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Ada Marion is the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration Study Abroad Coordinator and an MBA student. We interviewed her to find out more about her role and how she can help students who are interested in studying abroad.

Where did you get your undergraduate degree and what was your major?
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Moody College of Business with a double major in accounting and management.

What degree are you pursuing in graduate school?
I’m pursuing my MBA.

Why did you decide to attend graduate school?
Since my undergraduate interests were so intertwined, I decided I wanted to further my advancement in the business world.

What are you hoping to accomplish by working with the Study Abroad program?
I hope to be an informant and guide for business students seeking answers about study abroad. I went on a UL Lafayette study abroad trip during undergraduate, and I want to make sure every student has the opportunity for an amazing experience like the one I did.

How do you help students who are interested in the Study Abroad program?
I am basically the middleman between business students and the study abroad office. Since I am in an office on the second floor of Moody Hall, I am more accessible for the students to come to. Whether it be deadline questions, class credits available, location options, or anything in between, I am available to help them get to the bottom of it.

Why do you think the Study Abroad program is beneficial to students?
Studying abroad is a life changing educational experience. Not only do students gain class credits, but they also gain a new understanding of the world by venturing to a new place and immersing in that culture.

Tell us about your experience when you studied abroad?
I participated in the Italy program. I took two marketing courses that covered tourism and the marketing of wine and champagne along with the humanities course everyone takes. The best part about these programs is that we were hardly ever in the classroom. Our classes consisted of museum tours, cooking classes, wine tastings, and sitting in parks. It is not the “school setting” we think of, but instead so much more.

What advice would you give to students interested in the Study Abroad program?
My advice would be to take a leap. Studying abroad can be scary. It is a new place with new people and cultures. It can be overwhelming to think about. However, anyone who has attended a program will tell you that you won’t regret it.

Will Study Abroad be happening in Summer 2021?
The Study Abroad Office is planning and recruiting for the 2021 faculty-led summer programs in Costa Rica, England, France, and Italy. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2020. With COVID-19 still being a concern, the University will follow the guidance of the State of Louisiana and the CDC regarding international travel. Therefore, decisions regarding our summer 2021 programs will be made in February based on the data available at that time.

Visit the Study Abroad website for program information, events, deadlines, and updates at or email Ada at